March 12, 2025 | Vimol

Baby Journal: 0-3 Months Activities and Recommended Toys

  Welcoming a newborn into your life brings a multitude of joys and discoveries. In the early months, as your baby undergoes remarkable changes, explore tailored activities and toy recommendations for the first three months. Keep in mind, every baby is unique, and these suggestions serve as gentle guides. Let’s dive into delightful ways to maximize your baby’s awake time, providing insights into various stages of early development.

1st Month


In the first month, babies typically don’t engage much with toys as most of their day is spent sleeping, feeding, and interacting. However, they enjoy listening to soft music and participating in interactions like singing and talking. 

Face-to-face interaction, especially with caregivers, is crucial during this stage. While their vision is still developing, babies respond well to high-contrast patterns, so using black and white or bold, contrasting colors in soft toys or images is beneficial. 

During the initial month, babies need a lot of nursing, comfort, and skin-on-skin contact with parents. Cuddling and providing a sense of security through close holding and responsive care are often the best entertainment for a 1-month-old.

2nd Month


  • As babies enter their second month, placing them on a playmat with hanging toys helps them learn to use their hands by touching and making sounds.
  • Engaging them through talking and singing is enjoyable for babies, and playing soft nature sounds or calming music in the background can create a soothing environment.
  • Offering soft rattles or toys with gentle sounds, designed for newborns with no small parts, is recommended.
  • Allowing exploration of different textures with soft fabrics or textured toys such as crinkly or cloth books, holding colorful objects at a short distance for them to focus on shapes and colors, and incorporating a baby-safe mirror during tummy time are engaging activities
  • Cuddling remains crucial for providing comfort and warmth
  • Going for a walk in a stroller for fresh air 
  • Spend time reading together, pointing out objects and making simple sounds to engage the baby

Recommended Toys

  • Tummy time mats designed with attached toys and a mirror.
  • Play gym with hanging simple and soft toys, including a safe-mirror toy and toys with movement and sounds.
  • Gentle musical toys playing soft lullabies or calming tunes.
  • High-contrast toys such as black-and-white or brightly colored images in books or cards.
  • Different texture toys like crinkly toys, soft plush toys, and soft cloth books with high-contrast images, bright color, or simple patterns. Ensure they are free from small parts posing a choking hazard.
  • Introduce them to baby books that help with language, visual and cognitive development. When choosing baby books, opt for sturdy board books with rounded corners and thick pages that can withstand enthusiastic handling and mouthing. Look for books with simple, high-contrast illustrations, rhyming text, and interactive elements that will capture your baby’s attention. Reading to them also provides bonding time and helps them recognize your voice as well.

3rd Month


  • In the third month, daily tummy time remains essential for strengthening neck and upper body muscles.
  • Offering soft, textured toys or rattles with contrasting colors aids in capturing their attention and developing hand coordination. 
  • Creating a safe and padded floor space for floor play, placing colorful and soft toys within reach, and incorporating hanging toys on a playmat enhance familiarity with using their hands. 
  • A baby swing or bouncer with a gentle rocking motion can provide a break for caregivers
  • Experiment with loosely tying flying balloons to their hands or feet often brings joy.
  • Going for a walk in a stroller is a refreshing outdoor activity.
  • Spend time reading together, pointing out objects and making simple sounds to engage the baby

Recommended Toys

  • Similar to the 2nd-month recommendations, including play gym, gentle musical toys, high-contrast toys, baby books, and different texture toys
  • Offer soft teething toys if the baby is starting to teeth.
  • Always prioritize your baby’s safety by choosing age-appropriate toys and activities.

Additionally, follow your baby’s cues, and if they seem tired or overstimulated, provide a quiet and calm environment for rest.

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March 11, 2025 | Vimol

Baby Journal: 0-3 Months Sleep and Milestones

 During the first 3 months of life, a baby undergoes numerous changes and developments. Remember that each baby is unique and so are their developmental journeys. Here, I share the milestones I’ve witnessed with my own bundle of joy, knowing that yours may dance to a different beat. Dive into these key developmental milestones and discover delightful ways to make the most of your baby’s awake time. I hope this serves as a helpful guide, providing insights into various stages of early development. 

1st Month


During their first month, babies have small stomachs, so they feed frequently, typically every 2-3 hours. Breastfeeding lasts shorter than formula feed as it digests faster but its duration gradually lengthens over time. 

Newborns at first month sleep a lot, and their sleep patterns are often irregular. They may sleep anywhere from 14 to 17 hours a day. The 1st month is not ideal yet to start the sleeping routine or sleep training. Their playtime will gradually increase over time as their wake time gets longer, meaning more time for playing and interacting.


  • Newborns typically have limited neck strength and rely on support for their heads. You might notice some improvement in head control as the month progresses.
  • Babies often react to sudden movements or loud noises. They may also grasp your finger if you place it in their palm.
  • Initially, newborns have blurry vision, but they can see objects at close distances. They may begin to show interest in faces and high-contrast patterns.
  • Babies explore the world with their mouths, learning this since they were inside the tummy. This is how they learn to survive after birth without more food support through the umbilical cord. You might observe sucking motions, which can be a sign of hunger or a self-soothing behavior.

2nd Month 


At around two months, babies typically sleep for about 12 to 18 hours a day, but this can vary. They may start recognizing day and night, such as going back to sleep after each feeding at night and taking naps during the day. Each nap is broken into short periods with wake periods in between, and each wake time lasts about 45 minutes to an hour. 


  • At around two months, many babies begin to smile in response to familiar faces and voices. This is a significant social milestone as they start recognizing and reacting to people.
  • During tummy time or when supported in an upright position, babies may start to lift and hold their heads up for short periods and move side to side, demonstrating strengthen neck muscles.
  • They begin to make gurgling sounds and explore their vocal abilities attempting to communicate.
  • Exploring touch: learning to use their hands to touch objects such as hanging toys and fingers.
  • Babies become more attuned to familiar voices and may turn their heads or respond to the sound of their caregiver’s voice.
  • Along with smiling in response to familiar faces, babies may also start displaying social smiles, smiling simply for the joy of interacting.
  • Improved eye movement allows babies to track and follow objects with their eyes. They may also show interest in moving objects or people around them. Babies become more alert and attentive to their surroundings. They may show interest in toys, lights, and patterns.

3rd Month


At 3 months old, babies typically sleep around 14 to 16 hours a day. On average, babies may be awake for approximately 1 to 2 hours at a time during the day when they start recognizing day and night. It’s essential to pay attention to your baby’s cues and provide opportunities for short periods of play, interaction, and feeding during these wakeful periods.


  • Babies are likely gaining more head control and can hold their head steady when upright or during tummy time with their support using their arms.
  • Increased coordination and purposeful movements, such as reaching and grabbing objects with their hands.
  • Can visually track moving objects, show more interest in faces and objects, and recognize familiar faces.
  • Communication and social development such as making babbling sounds, smiling responsively, and increasing vocalization by using a variety of sounds to communicate.
  • Become more efficient in breastfeeding or bottle-feeding.
  • Can establish a routine such as a sleeping pattern and recognize bathing time.
  • Start to show more interest in social interaction such as peek-a-boo and gentle tickling.

Remember that each baby develops at their own pace, and there can be variations in reaching these milestones. If you have concerns about your baby’s development, it’s always a good idea to consult with a pediatrician.

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March 8, 2025 | Vimol

How I Survived a 35-Hour Trip with a Newborn Baby

Our first trip together with my newborn baby was a 35-hour journey from Toronto to Phnom Penh, which included a 10-hour layover in Hong Kong. Despite being fully recovered and accustomed to the new-mom routine, traveling with a 2-month-old baby presented a unique set of challenges. I successfully navigated the trip by having a travel companion and thorough preparation both before and during the flight. Here are some tips:

1. Flight Booking

To ensure a hassle-free journey, it’s crucial to book your flight well in advance. Selecting a seat with a bassinet is essential. These seats are limited and highly sought after, as they provide a secure spot for your baby to rest during the flight. When booking your flight in advance, you may have the options to select the seat with bassinet for free if there is available. If you are not able to select during booking, be sure to contact the airline company or booking agency to request one. Even though it is not guarantee, but it is always worth to try. Having a bassinet available not only offers a safe space for your baby to sleep but also gives you the flexibility to manage other aspects of your journey, such as organizing your belongings or taking a quick break.

2. Plane Ride

Our flight from Toronto to Hong Kong was a non-stop 16-hour journey. Traveling alone with a baby for such a long duration can be challenging, so I highly recommend having a companion to take turns caring for the baby and allowing each other to rest.

Our flight from Toronto to Hong Kong was a non-stop 16-hour journey. Traveling alone with a baby for such a long duration can be incredibly challenging. I highly recommend having a companion to take turns caring for the baby and allowing each other to rest. This teamwork approach is invaluable. I was lucky to have a companion during this trip especially taking turn, short break, or if need to take bathroom break. Plan ahead by discussing responsibilities and schedules with your travel partner, so you can effectively share the workload and make the journey more manageable for both of you.

Traveling with a baby means carrying a lot of baby gear, which sometimes includes a stroller that you might need help with to install or collapse. I ended up overpacking; in addition to my carry-on, I also brought a diaper bag, portable bassinet, and nursing pillow. It was a good lesson to learn that it was challenging to move around with all these items.

3. Baby Gear

A baby carrier is an indispensable tool for long trips if you decide not to bring a stroller and depend on how big the baby. It enables you to carry your baby while keeping your hands free for other essentials like passports, tickets, and snacks. Though it’s possible to carry a baby all day without a carrier, fatigue may quickly set in, making a baby carrier a safer and more practical choice. A good carrier ensures your baby remains close, comforted by your presence, and allows you to navigate the airport and airplane with ease. Consider investing in a carrier that offers adequate back support and is easy to put on and take off, as you’ll be using it frequently during your journey.

4. Car-seat Requirement

The travel requirements can vary depending on the country you visit. Most countries may require a car seat for your baby. If your car seat doubles as a stroller, it’s worth bringing along, as it allows you to push the stroller around without using a baby carrier. Additionally, you’ll need the car seat if traveling within that particular country. Be sure to check the car seat requirements in advance and ensure your car seat meets the other country’s regulations.

If you are visiting someone who has a car seat available for you to use, be sure to communicate with family members or friends in advance about the age and weight of your baby to ensure the car seat is suitable. They will need to bring the car seat to the airport for pickup.

At that time, since we traveled to Cambodia for a short visit and the country doesn’t require a car seat, I chose to bring only the baby carrier for convenience. However, this decision varies on a case-by-case basis. You will need to decide what gear to bring based on your specific situation.

5. Bassinet

During extended flights, bassinets are typically offered in limited spots. If you choose to travel with your baby on your lap, securing a bassinet is highly beneficial for several reasons:

  • Safety: A bassinet prevents the baby from accidentally falling off your arms while you rest.
  • Comfort: It provides a welcome break from constantly holding the baby, especially during lengthy flights.
  • Health: Laying the baby down in the bassinet is better for their back, promoting a more comfortable sleep.
  • Convenience: It facilitates easier diaper changes, allowing you to tend to your baby’s needs without much hassle.

6. Flight Safety

The bassinet is not provided until the plane safely takes off and the seat belt sign is off. During takeoff and landing, the flight attendant advised me to hold the baby on my lap and attach his baby seat belt to mine. During high turbulence, they recommend removing the baby from the bassinet for safety.

The bassinet is not provided until the plane safely takes off and the seat belt sign is off. During takeoff and landing, the flight attendant advised me to attach their baby seat belt to mine and hold the baby to my chest. In case of high turbulence, they recommend removing the baby from the bassinet for safety and follow this procedure. In my personal experience, Cathay Pacific offers a baby seat belt that can be attached to mine. However, with some other airlines, I only needed to hold the baby to my chest during takeoff, landing, and turbulence

7. Air Pressure

To alleviate air pressure on the baby’s ears, I made sure to feed him during takeoff and landing. For breastfeeding, wearing a comfortable top and having a nursing cover ready is essential. If your baby is bottle-fed, ensure the bottle is ready.

A pacifier can also help if the baby isn’t hungry. This method helps soothe the baby and reduces any discomfort caused by changing air pressure. Due to the limited space, be cautious of people walking in the aisle, as they might accidentally bump into the baby’s head or body during the feeding time.

Be attentive to signs of discomfort and have extra feeding supplies on hand to address any unexpected needs. Keeping your baby’s ears protected from pressure changes can prevent fussiness and help them remain calm during the flight.

8. Soothing

To address potential fussiness, be prepared to soothe the baby. Bring their favorite toy and have the pacifier easily accessible. Every baby is different, so find what soothes your baby best. Gentle rocking, soft singing, or new toys can also be effective in calming a fussy baby during the flight. Experiment with different soothing techniques before your trip to determine what works best for your baby.

I usually try to tire my baby out before the flight by entertaining them and keeping them awake appropriately. This helps ensure they sleep and rest on the plane. Being well-prepared with comforting items and strategies can make a significant difference in managing your baby’s mood and ensuring a more pleasant journey for both of you.

9. Baby Sleep and Feed

Time can easily be lost while traveling across different time zones. I recommend using feeding apps as it can be helpful in maintaining a routine and keeping track of feeding times, especially for newborns who require frequent feeding.

Keeping the baby on a consistent schedule as much as possible will help them adjust to the new time zone and reduce crankiness. Plan your baby’s feeding and sleep schedule ahead of time, taking into consideration the time changes and flight duration. Stick to your routine as closely as possible, and be prepared to make adjustments based on your baby’s needs during the journey. Consistency can help create a sense of normalcy for your baby, making the transition to a new time zone smoother.

10. Mom Sleeps and Feeds

Be prepared for limited sleep on the plane as you’ll likely check on the baby frequently. The plane’s bassinet may obstruct your view, prompting regular checks.

Be prepared for limited sleep on the plane as you’ll likely check on the baby frequently. The plane’s bassinet may obstruct your view, prompting regular checks. Ensure that the baby is securely placed in the bassinet and that nothing is blocking their airway before you rest. If you’re worried, ask your companion to take turns keeping an eye on the baby while you rest. Accept that your primary focus will be on ensuring your baby is comfortable and safe, and take advantage of any opportunity to rest when your baby is sleeping.

Pack essentials like a travel pillow, blanket, and eye mask to help you rest more comfortably on the plane. Staying hydrated and eating well can also help maintain your energy levels. Remember to prioritize self-care during the journey, as taking care of yourself ensures you can better care for your baby.

11. Layover

Our layover at the airport lasted for 10 hours. During this time, I made use of the portable bassinet I had brought along. This allowed the baby to rest comfortably. Various options for portable bassinets are available, and the one I selected is foldable and lightweight, making it easy to carry.

To create a peaceful sleep environment, consider using a portable sound machine to drown out airport noise and ensure uninterrupted sleep. Utilize airport facilities like family rooms or lounges for a more comfortable layover experience. Being well-prepared for layovers can make a significant difference in ensuring your baby remains well rested and content during the journey.

12. Bonus Tip

One of the advantages of flying with an infant is the priority treatment. Enjoy early boarding privileges with your baby, which allows you to settle in and get organized without the rush of other passengers. I personally prefer to be the last or almost-last to board; however, it is great to have option available.

Traveling with a newborn requires meticulous planning, but with the right preparations, it can be a rewarding experience. Remember to stay flexible and adaptable, as unexpected situations can arise during travel. Trust in your ability to handle challenges, and take comfort in knowing that each trip with your baby will become easier with experience.


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March 8, 2025 | Vimol

Ready, Set, Baby! The Only Hospital Bag List You Need

Preparing for the arrival of your little one is an exciting and sometimes overwhelming journey. One crucial step in this adventure is packing your hospital bag, ensuring you have everything you need for a comfortable and stress-free experience during labor and delivery. Whether you’re a first-time parent or a seasoned pro, having a comprehensive hospital bag checklist can make all the difference in easing your mind and helping you feel prepared for the big day. In this blog post, I’ll guide you through the must-have essentials and a few extra goodies to ensure you’re ready to welcome your bundle of joy into the world with confidence.


  • Pillows
  • Comfortable clothes
  • Slippers
  • Personal care (shampoo, body wash, moisturizer, toothpaste, toothbrush, hair brush, deodorant)
  • Towel
  • Water bottle
  • Relaxing music playlist
  • Going home outfits
  • Nutrients-rich snacks
  • Stress balls
  • Journal
  • Camera


  • Car seat
  • Blankets (thick & thin)
  • Swaddles
  • Newborn diapers, wipes, & diaper cream
  • Newborn outfits
  • Hats & socks
  • Newborn pacifiers
  • Newborn formula
  • Sterilized Bottles & nipples
  • Sound machine
  • Body wash, shampoo, and lotions
  • Diaper bag

As you pack your hospital bag, remember to include the essentials and a few personal touches. This will help you feel prepared and focused on welcoming your new baby. Every birth experience is unique, so customize your bag to fit your needs. Take a deep breath, trust your preparations, and get ready for this exciting journey.

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March 5, 2025 | Vimol

My Breastfeeding Journey and Why It is Best

Why Breastfeeding Is Best?

For both my baby and me, breastfeeding is truly invaluable. Here’s why:

Enhanced Immunity: By providing a boost to my baby’s immune system, breastfeeding sets the foundation for a healthier future.

Nutrient-Rich Goodness: Breast milk boasts over 200 essential ingredients, making it the healthiest nourishment for my little one.

Defense Against Infections: A natural shield, it safeguards my baby from infections and supports wholesome growth and development.

Ultimate Convenience: Direct breastfeeding means no hassle with bottle prep or cleaning—less to carry, always at the perfect temperature, and ready whenever needed.

Cost-Free Blessing: Beyond its health benefits, it’s a budget-friendly choice, adding to the joy of motherhood. You not only reduce the cost of purchasing formula, but also reduce the baby gears needed such as baby bottles and nipples.

Bonding: Breastfeeding fosters a beautiful bond between my baby and me, creating precious moments of connection.

What Do You Need?

1. Lactation Support for Mom

Lactation support is crucial for a successful breastfeeding journey. It’s essential to prioritize nutrition to ensure both the health of the newborn and the well-being of the mother. Proper nutrition during the first few weeks is vital for quick recovery, restoring energy, and supporting lactation. Your body is undergoing significant changes, so fueling it with nutrient-rich food is imperative.

Food: Incorporate nourishing foods such as soups, sweet potatoes, green vegetables, and bone broth to promote a healthy mother and baby. To make it more enjoyable, consider alternatives like homemade lactation cookies. Ingredients that are particularly beneficial include oatmeal and nuts.

Drink: Support your breastfeeding journey with essential items such as lactation tea, homemade lactation cookies, and a nutritious diet. These items provide the necessary nutrients to maintain a healthy milk supply and keep you energized.

2. Nursing Pillow

It may sound simple and some people (like me) may neglect it at first, but it did help a lot. I personally wanted to stay as minimalist as possible with fewer gears. I didn’t want to invest in one or even include it in my baby shower registry, as I thought I might be able to get away with using a regular pillow. While learning and exploring ways to sit properly in a comfortable position at home on a regular couch or bed, and using a regular pillow instead of a well-designed, ergonomically correct nursing pillow, the struggle was real. I suffered from back pain, neck pain, in addition to carpal tunnel syndrome.

I finally borrowed one from my cousin (which ended up with me). It made a huge difference. The one that I used had a flat surface with a little bump to support the baby’s head and neck, and it had a clip around the waist to prevent it from sliding off. It ended up being one of the most used items throughout my breastfeeding journey until my baby grew out of it.

3. Nursing Chair

The nursing chair was also one of the items that I neglected at first but found to be one of the most used items as a breastfeeding mom. Since you will be spending a significant amount of time in it, opt for an ergonomic nursing chair to support comfortable breastfeeding sessions for both mom and baby. In addition, be sure to elevate your feet to a comfortable position so you are not slouching down for long periods of time. The proper position is to be able to relax and bring the baby to the ideal position for breastfeeding instead of leaning forward.

A rocking chair is also a great addition as it helps the baby sleep. You may find yourself sitting a lot during each breastfeeding session, so a little movement can bring comfort not just during breastfeeding sessions but also for relaxing. And of course, a rocking chair is very versatile as it is not only for breastfeeding but also for reading or any relaxing moments as an addition to the bedroom or living room.

4. Nursing Cover

A nursing cover can be optional. It is meant to protect your privacy, and there are many styles to choose from. Explore online options for nursing covers that suit your needs and comfort. Some have a string attached to the neck, resembling an apron but with a curved opening so you can see your baby’s face, while others are stretchy. Personally, I tried a few different styles I got online; however, my favorite is a regular Muslin blanket. They are very light and breathable. Because they are regular blankets, they are very versatile as I can use them as a blanket, stroller cover on a sunny day, or even to dry off any spilled liquid.

5. Sleep

Getting enough sleep is vital for breastfeeding moms as it aids in physical recovery post-childbirth, supports milk production, and boosts energy levels. Adequate rest helps regulate hormones necessary for a healthy milk supply and maintains cognitive functions like memory and concentration, which are crucial for caring for a newborn.

Additionally, proper sleep positively impacts emotional health, reducing the risk of postpartum depression and anxiety. It enhances mood stability and overall well-being, enabling mothers to better cope with the demands of new motherhood. Prioritizing sleep ultimately benefits both the mother and her baby, ensuring a healthier and more enjoyable breastfeeding journey.

6. Breast Pump

In addition to breastfeeding directly, a breast pump offers alternative solutions for many reasons:

  • Give your body a break: Your nipples can be sore (especially at the beginning or when not done properly). In the beginning, both you and your baby are learning the way to breastfeed, which may result in accidents like bites. Whenever you need a break, a breast pump is a great option, ensuring your baby gets the nutrients from milk even when not breastfeeding directly.
  • Could help milk production: For those who have challenges at the beginning, it is always good to keep up. Regular pumping can help your body produce milk when you struggle at the start. However, please be sure to consult your lactation specialist for more details that suit your situation and needs.
  • Save for later: You can store the milk for later use. It can last up to 4 days in the fridge or 6-12 months in the freezer if stored properly. Be sure to write down the date on the bottles and breast milk freezing bags, and always check the quality before feeding.
  • You can get support on feeding: Breastfeeding takes a lot of time, and babies may wake up more often than formula-fed babies. This is not always a bad thing, as babies digest breast milk faster than formula (which means their bodies absorb more nutrients), but it is more work for moms. Therefore, whenever support is available, be sure to get help and take breaks if circumstances allow. Let fathers or other supporters take over feeding sometimes when you need rest.

7. Emergency Formula

You might wonder why formula is included in the list. Sometimes, unexpected situations can arise. Personally, I experienced a lack of milk in the first few days, which can be scary and worrisome, especially for new moms. Our bodies are different—some may produce more milk than others, while some may need extra support. I was fortunate to have stored emergency formula both at the hospital and at home. The ready-to-drink milk samples that we had were a lifesaver. Knowing my baby was getting the necessary nutrients allowed me to sleep peacefully as my body adjusted, recovered, and produced milk.

Even if your baby is exclusively breastfed, having emergency formula on hand is essential as a backup. Lactation can present challenges, and having formula available can provide much-needed support in unexpected situations. Consulting a lactation specialist is always an option, but sometimes taking a break and relying on emergency formula can help you get through those tough moments.

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March 1, 2025 | Vimol

Minimalist Baby Essentials for New Moms

Preparing for the arrival of a new baby can be both an exciting and overwhelming experience. From setting up a cozy nursery to ensuring you have all the travel and feeding essentials, there’s a lot to consider. Here are my list of recommend baby gears that you will need:


  • Crib: Invest in a high-quality, sturdy crib that meets all safety standards to provide a secure sleeping space for your baby. Look for adjustable mattress heights to accommodate your growing baby.
  • Mattress: Choose a firm and breathable mattress designed specifically for infants to support proper spinal development and reduce the risk of suffocation.
  • Fitted Sheets: Ensure a cozy and safe sleeping space for your baby with fitted sheets that fit snugly over the mattress. Opt for soft, hypoallergenic materials to keep your baby’s delicate skin comfortable.
  • Baby Wardrobe Closet: Keep baby clothes organized with a compact wardrobe closet that includes adjustable shelves and hanging rods for easy access to outfits, shoes, and accessories.
  • Nursing Chair (Optional Rocking and/or Incline): Rocking nursing chair helps soothe babies to sleep. If you choose to breastfeed, consider a comfortable nursing chair with optional rocking or incline features.

Travel Essentials

  • Stroller: A reliable stroller is essential for easy transportation and outings with your little one. Look for a stroller that’s lightweight, easy to fold, and has good maneuverability for navigating different terrains.
  • Car Seat: Prioritize safety during travels with a reliable and easy-to-install car seat. Ensure it meets all safety standards and can be easily adjusted as your baby grows.
  • Baby Carrier: Explore different types and styles of baby carriers to find one that suits both your comfort and your baby’s needs. Baby carriers offer hands-free convenience and are perfect for bonding on the go.

Diaper Change

  • Diapers: Stock up on diapers to keep your baby dry and comfortable. Consider using eco-friendly or cloth diapers if you’re looking for sustainable options.
  • Diaper Bag: Invest in a spacious and well-organized diaper bag to carry all your baby’s essentials. Look for one with multiple compartments and easy-to-clean materials.
  • Wipes: Keep a supply of gentle, hypoallergenic wipes on hand for quick and easy diaper changes. They’re also useful for cleaning up messes on the go.
  • Changing Pad: A portable changing pad is a must-have for diaper changes outside the home. Look for one that’s waterproof and easy to clean.

Baby Clothes

  • Clothing Include a variety of onesies, tops, bottoms, and outfits for special occasions in your baby’s wardrobe. Look for soft, breathable fabrics to keep your baby comfortable.
  • Socks: Keep your baby’s feet warm with a collection of soft, cozy socks.
  • Gloves: Baby gloves can prevent your baby from scratching their face and help keep their hands warm.
  • Hats: Protect your baby’s head from the elements with a selection of hats for different weather conditions.
  • Towel: Have a soft, absorbent towel on hand for bath time and quick clean-ups.
  • Weather-appropriate outfits: Ensure your baby’s wardrobe includes weather-appropriate outfits, such as sweaters or jackets, to keep them comfortable in different seasons.

Sleep Essentials

  • Swaddles: Swaddling can help your baby feel secure and sleep better. Look for swaddles made from soft, breathable fabrics.
  • Blankets: Provide comfort with a basic collection of thick and muslin blankets suitable for various needs such as regular cover or swaddling.
  • Sound Machine: Create a soothing environment for your baby with a sound machine for naps and bedtime. My favorite sound machine is a portable one that can be used at home or on the go.
  • Baby Monitor: Stay connected to your baby’s well-being with a straightforward baby monitor while it allows you to take a break to do house chores or relax while the baby is asleep. 

First Aid KitBe prepared for minor health concerns with essentials such as

  • A Nasal Aspirator: Babies often have runny noses, so having a nasal aspirator on hand is essential. It can prevent their noses from being blocked, ensuring proper breathing.
  • Baby Tylenol: Keep baby-safe pain relievers on hand for fever or discomfort.
  • A thermometer: A reliable thermometer is crucial for monitoring your baby’s temperature and ensuring their health and well-being.


  • Baby Bottles: Have a variety of baby bottles and nipples to ensure your baby can feed comfortably.
  • Sterilizer: A sterilizer helps keep your baby’s bottles and feeding equipment clean and safe.
  • Bottle Nipples: Stock up on different bottle nipples to find the best fit for your baby’s feeding preferences.
  • Bottle Cleaner: Keep a bottle cleaner on hand for thorough cleaning of your baby’s bottles and nipples.
  • Formula: If needed, keep formula on hand for feeding alternatives.
  • High Chair: Essential for when your baby starts eating solids.

Body Care

  • Baby Wash: Choose a gentle baby wash to keep your baby’s skin clean and moisturized.
  • Baby Shampoo: A tear-free baby shampoo will keep your baby’s hair clean and soft.
  • Baby Lotion: Keep your baby’s skin hydrated with a gentle baby lotion.
  • Baby bathtub: Many baby bathtubs come with non-slip surfaces to prevent slips and slides and they are portable.
  • Nail Filer: Safely maintain your baby’s nails with a gentle nail filer.
  • Hair Brush: Gently care for your baby’s hair with a soft hairbrush.

Playtime and Soother

  • Baby Mat: Provide a safe and comfortable space for your baby to play and explore.
  • Round Head Pillow: Round head pillow that prevents flat head when lying on back.
  • Music Lullaby: Set a soothing atmosphere to help your baby relax and sleep with lullabies that can also be played from your phone or smart speaker.
  • Pacifier: They are often used to satisfy a baby’s natural instinct to suck and can be especially calming during periods of fussiness or when attempting to establish a sleep routine. It comes in various shapes, sizes, and the age of babies.
  • Toys: Gentle toys based on appropriate age of the babies 

I hope you find this article helpful. By carefully selecting the right baby essentials and organizing your space, you can create a loving and secure environment for your little one to thrive. Remember, every family is unique, so choose the items that best suit your needs and preferences.

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February 26, 2025 | Vimol

 Practical Baby Registry Guide for New Mom

Creating a baby shower registry is an exciting and practical way for expectant parents to communicate their needs and preferences to friends and family. Here’s a guide with tips to help you create an effective baby shower registry:

1. Start Early

Begin creating your registry well in advance of your baby shower. This gives your guests ample time to choose the perfect gift.

2. Choose the Right Retailer

Select a retailer or online platform that offers a wide range of baby products. Popular choices include Amazon, Target, and Buy Buy Baby.

3. Include a Variety of Items

Add a diverse range of items at different price points to accommodate guests with various budgets. Include essentials like diapers, wipes, and clothing, as well as bigger items like a stroller or car seat.

4. Prioritize Essentials

Ensure your registry includes must-have baby items such as:

  • Diapers and wipes
  • Car seat and Strollers
  • Onesies and baby clothing
  • Bottles and formula (if not breastfeeding)
  • Diaper bag
  • Car seat and stroller
  • Crib or bassinet

            Stock up more on items that will be consumed daily such as

  • Diaper (sizes Newborn to 3) to last for at least a few months.
  • Wipes: I recommended some sensitive wipes, especially for the newborn stage
  • Diaper cream
  • Baby body care items such as shampoo, wash, and lotion.

5. Research Products

Read reviews and do research on baby products to choose the best and most reliable options. Consider factors like safety, durability, and user-friendliness.

6. Be Mindful of the Season

Register for clothing and items that match the season your baby will be born in. Consider both newborn and larger sizes.

7. Include Gift Cards

If you’re uncertain about specific items or want flexibility, include gift cards on your registry. This allows you to make choices after the baby arrives.

8. Communication is Key

Clearly communicate your preferences regarding colors, styles, and brands. Include notes on your registry to guide your guests.

9. Collaborate with Your Partner

Share the registry creation process with your partner to ensure both parents’ preferences and needs are considered.

10. Keep It Updated

Regularly update your registry based on items already purchased or changing needs. This ensures your guests have a variety of options to choose from.

11. Thank You Notes or Messages


Keep track of who purchased which items to make writing thank-you notes easier after the                    baby shower.

12. Check for Completion Discounts

Some retailers offer completion discounts, allowing you to purchase remaining items on your registry at a discounted price.

13. Personalize Your Registry

Add a personal touch by sharing a brief message or story about your baby to make the registry experience more engaging for your guests.

14. Baby Books

Consider recommending baby books instead of cards. They are not only more practical for reading to your baby but also make for a meaningful keepsake. Guests can include sweet messages in the books, creating cherish memories for both the baby and parents when read in the future.

15. Quantity

When building your baby registry, don’t hesitate to include multiple quantities of essential items. Items like diapers and personal care products are always in high demand, so it’s smart to request more. Make sure to specify the quantity needed for different baby stages, considering the age and growth of your little one. For example, you might list several boxes of diapers in sizes 2, 3, and 4. This way, when your guests browse your registry, they’ll see which sizes are needed and how many have already been purchased.

15. Optional: An-Eco-Friendly Approach

If you’re open to the idea of gently used items and want to make your baby shower more sustainable, this option is for you. Embracing pre-loved gifts not only eco-friendly but also adds a unique charm as your baby grows and uses items that hold special memories. If you’re interested in receiving both new and gently used gifts, you can incorporate this eco-friendly choice in your baby shower invitation.

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February 22, 2025 | Vimol

The Cultural Richness of Cambodian Wedding | Beliefs, Rituals, and meaning

Cambodian weddings have a long tradition and consist not only of traditional customs but also of a Buddhist ceremony as part of the event. Traditional Cambodian weddings can last up to 7 days, but we usually combine small ceremonies and shorten them into a 2-day ceremony at the bride’s home.

Although some people perform the traditional ceremony at the banquet hall for convenience, the concept remains the same.


There are multiple outfit changes for both the bride and groom throughout the ceremony, and they always coordinate the colors. The primary colors include gold and silver, with additional colors depending on personal preference. Throughout the events, the bride and groom have chosen a variety of outfits with multiple colors in advance. The outfits and hairstyles are changed between each part of the ceremony. On the reception night, the bride, groom, and the bridal party typically wear traditional outfits to greet the guests, changing into white dresses and suits for the reception entrance.

Guests typically wear colorful outfits, and females avoid wearing black. Morning attire for females usually consists of tailor-made silk skirts paired with sparkling lace tops. Evening wear includes colorful nightgowns or two-piece ensembles featuring long silk skirts and matching lace tops. Men usually opt for suits or silk button-up tops with black pants.


The Cambodian traditional wedding is at the bride’s house. This is to symbolize that the groom’s family come to the bride’s family to get permission as well as to pay respect for the bride’s family. In order to fit many guests, we usually install tents extending from the entrance door to the street. However, for modern day while many are doing it at the Bride house, some prefer to do it at the banquet hall for convenience while all the traditions are still the same. Preparations required teams of relatives, helpers, and event planners to work together including preparing agenda, dowry items, music, outfits and makeup, MC, and the list goes on. We also choose one close family member to walk the bride and one to walk the groom throughout the whole ceremony. Here is my personal experience:

Day 1:

Krong Poli – Asking Permission from the Land

It lasts only half a day, occurring in the afternoon and followed by a smaller family dinner. Typically held at the bride’s house, the event is reserved for close family and friends who attended.

Cambodians are deeply spiritual, and we consistently show respect for the land and the spirits surrounding us. Prior to significant events like religious ceremonies or weddings, we typically commence with the Krong Poli ceremony. Various foods, including but not limited to rice, grains, beans, vegetables, and fruits, are offered to seek permission from the spirits of the land for conducting ceremonies. The chanting begins with the Master of Ceremony (MC).

Day 1: Monk Blessing

Following the first ceremony, the monk chanting marks the final event of the first day. This inclusive ceremony welcomes participants of all religions, and everyone is encouraged to join, even if my partner is not a Buddhist. 

Day 2

Dowry Parade

Day 2 is a full day and the main day of the wedding ceremony. It started as early as 7 am in the morning until reception night. 

This is the first ceremony for the day and starts as early as 7 or 8 am in the morning when  the groom and family walk with the dowry to present to the bride’s family. The dowry presented including treys of  fruits, vegetables, meats, drinks, pastries, and desserts are given in pairs, symbolized favors from the groom’s family and to pay respect to the bride’s family. The parade is usually a mix of the bride and groom’s family but only to symbolize the groom’s family. 

The dowry items are prepared and ready the night before. Guests usually arrive early to prepare for the dowry walk. The walk is usually 5-10mn long and along with the guests, the groom and the parents lead the walk at the front. Once arrived, the bride’s parents will come and greet the groom, his parents, and everyone from the door. Then, the bride makes an entrance and is walked by a designated family member, usually a close aunt, to greet the groom and lead the rest of the guests entering the house.  

Ring Ceremony

Ring ceremony is when the bride and groom exchange the rings. The bride and groom made a new entrance and walked by their designated family member.

Outfit and hair makeup change in every ceremony that match between the bride and the groom. There is a short break to allow the bride and groom to change their outfits and prepare a slightly different scene for each event. 

Hair Cutting Ceremony

Marriage is a big chapter in lives and a transformation from being single to living the lives of two. Hair cutting ceremony represents the changes and transformation of the bride and groom. While it is called a hair cutting ceremony, the hair is not actually cut as it’s only to symbolize the grooming and preparing for the change. The scene of the wedding changed from sitting on the carpet to sitting on the chairs along with the bridal parties on both sides. 

The ceremony typically begins with two MCs delivering a brief comedy talk before the hair cuttings take place. The order of the ceremony prioritizes the parents of the bride and groom, followed by grandparents and guests. During the ceremony, participants simulate cutting the bride and groom’s hair, spray perfume, and extend their wishes.

Knot Tying Ceremony

After the outfit change, the groom traditionally makes the first entrance before the bride. The Knot Tying Ceremony, the final Khmer ritual of the wedding, typically concludes around noon. Preceding this ceremony is the Flame Passing Ceremony, exclusive to married guests seated in a circle. Guided by the MC’s instructions and chanting, the sacred flame circulates seven times. The sacred flame and its smoke symbolize protection for the bride and groom, warding off evil and bringing blessings and luck.

String or knot tying ceremony is performed sequentially by parents, and followed by grandparents and guests in couples. The guests usually, but not always, give gifts such as jewelry or envelopes of money during this time, or wait until reception. Along with the knot tying, they give blessings to the newly couple. At the end, guests throw the white petal flowers to the bride and groom and the MC officially announce the newly wedded couple. The newly wedded usually keep the string tied for 3 days and cut by someone special in the family such as grandparents.

Reception Night

The bride and groom typically welcome guests at the entrance adorned in traditional outfits and later change into a white dress and suit for their grand entrance.

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February 21, 2025 | Vimol

Seattle Living: What Life Taught Me

Seattle was the 10th state I had visited during my time there. Living in Seattle means residing in one of the most beautiful and vibrant cities in the US. Here are my personal experiences during my time there:

People & Culture 

I lived in Seattle for two and a half years, and during that time, I had the best experience building connections with colleagues, friends, and family friends. Having a diverse group of friends from both local and international backgrounds, including Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Indonesia, China, and Japan, provided me with the opportunity to learn about various cultures. This was one of the highlights of my college life. Everyone valued in-person company and was always up for spontaneous meetups.

With a rich history connected to Japan, individuals with Japanese backgrounds were prevalent in every corner, including among my college administrative staff and the family with whom I stayed. I had the privilege of staying with an amazing family, and I couldn’t have asked for more. Similar to Cambodia, we shared a common value, placing a high regard on treasuring family time and respecting the elderly. My time was well-balanced between assignments, work, volunteering, and spending time with friends and family. We typically ended the day with delicious, healthy, home-cooked meals. We often gathered to discuss our day and dedicated one day a week to watch a movie or enjoy the Seahawk game together as a family.


I found that most people in Seattle are incredibly humble, less materialistic, highly educated, open-minded, and very down to earth. People dress in a presentable manner without being overly flashy. It’s interesting to note that one can’t always identify a millionaire, a doctor, or someone successful based solely on how they dress or the car they drive.

Many young American adults leave home right after high school or, at times, after college. Independence, a love for travel, and a thirst for new adventures are common traits. It’s a great privilege to meet individuals with an entrepreneurial spirit—creative, innovative, intellectual, and very encouraging. I’ve developed a love for building relationships, listening, and learning about their diverse backgrounds. Despite coming from various walks of life, there’s a strong sense of community, care, and passion to contribute to making the world a better place. Differences are embraced as opportunities to share valuable knowledge.. 

Many people I know find joy in volunteering across various fields, channeling their passion to give back to the community. Additionally, there are numerous kind-hearted individuals involved in fundraising efforts, contributing financially, dedicating their time, and providing life-saving supplies for both local and international causes. Personally, I had the opportunity to be part of a PATH conference, a global NGO based in Seattle. It was fascinating to witness how people come together, taking collective actions to make a significant impact and save lives.


Seattle, renowned as a tech city and the residence of Microsoft founder Bill Gates, boasts thriving occupations in healthcare and Information Technology. Key roles include software developers and information security professionals. The city is a hub for major global companies spanning the internet, healthcare, and real estate sectors. Notable names include Amazon, Microsoft, Starbucks, Costco, PATH, The Gates Foundation, Redfin, Zillow, among others.

My career development extended beyond the confines of classrooms, volunteer experiences, or workplace endeavors. Priceless values and life lessons were ingrained in me daily by my host family, who, despite being my father’s close friends, became my own cherished family. These experiences deepened my understanding of the real world, unveiling the unspoken nuances of Western culture distinct from Cambodia and preparing me for the future. Lessons ranged from mastering seemingly minor gestures like making direct eye contact and offering a firm handshake to successfully handling multiple work projects and honing leadership skills. One of the most encouraging pieces of advice I received from my host mom was, ‘No matter what you want to achieve or what it takes, if you work hard for it, you will achieve it.’ I often jokingly mentioned wanting my name on the college wall and receiving a leadership award at graduation, and to my surprise, I managed to achieve both. Yet, beyond the accolades, the journey has been about so much more.

I’ve actively participated in numerous conferences, including statewide events like The Student of Color Conferences and Leadership Conferences in Washington Olympia, spanning multiple days. Additionally, I’ve had the privilege of hosting multiple Leadership Retreats. These experiences provided me with the opportunity to represent the entire college student population, giving voice to advocate for positive changes. As an international student from Cambodia, initially knowing no one in a new city, I am grateful for the chance to establish meaningful, long-lasting relationships with incredible individuals, immerse myself in intellectual circles, and contribute positively to the community.


Seattle’s license plates often bear the phrase ‘Evergreen State,’ a nod to its misty climate and towering evergreen trees that maintain their green foliage year-round. These trees contribute to a temperate climate, ensuring summers are not excessively hot and winters remain relatively mild. The city’s landscape, immortalized in the Twilight movies, showcases the natural beauty of evergreen trees reflecting on the lakes. Moreover, Mount Rainier is easily visible from various vantage points across Seattle. 

The typical day in Seattle is characterized by misty weather with occasional rain. Residents often equip themselves with waterproof boots and jackets to navigate the weather comfortably. Despite the frequent drizzle, the favorable climate encourages year-round outdoor activities in the midst of nature.

Home to the SEAHAWKS 12th Man

Americans take immense pride in their national football teams, often aligning themselves with their favorite team or the state they hail from. This shared enthusiasm creates a sense of community, fostering friendly competition and camaraderie. Beyond major games, I would occasionally gather with friends on Sundays to watch matches, using it as an excuse to spend quality time together. Football, like many other sports, has a unique ability to bring people together, transcending ethnicity and origin.

1st Super Bowl Champion in 2013

Fun fact, I got a chance to witness first Superbowl in the city again and this time was in Seattle! During my time in Seattle in 2013, the city celebrated its first Super Bowl championship with parades and festivities.


Living in Seattle provides the privilege of indulging in numerous outdoor activities during the summer, including fruit picking, camping, and hiking. Many residents also relish water activities such as fishing, sail boating, and cruising around Lake Washington during the warmer months. Crystal Mountain, a popular winter destination just under a 2-hour drive from Seattle, becomes a favorite spot for skiing and snowshoeing, offering a refreshing winter hiking experience amid the mountainous landscapes.


Besides engaging in winter sports within the city, Seattle residents often embark on road trips to Vancouver, Canada, for weekend ski and snowboard activities. The proximity of Oregon state allows for convenient travel, and I personally visited a family there during a school break, taking a 5-hour train ride. Taking advantage of Oregon’s lack of sales tax, many Seattle residents make occasional trips for shopping. Additionally, Los Angeles is easily accessible, less than a 3-hour flight away.


Explore the iconic landmarks of Seattle, starting with the centrally located Space Needle. Utilize the sky train to visit various tourist attractions like the Gum Wall, Pike Place Market, the first Starbucks shop in the world, the Glass Museum, and more. 

Seattle, my third home, holds a special place in my heart with cherished memories and self-discovery. Though it was tough to say goodbye, I’m sure I’ll be back to this wonderful city that has shaped me in more ways than one. 

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February 14, 2025 | Vimol

NEW ORLEANS LIVING: My Journey in New Orleans

Experience the enchanting allure of New Orleans, a city steeped in rich history, vibrant culture, and warm-hearted hospitality. From its European-influenced arts and traditions to the delectable dishes that define its culinary landscape, New Orleans invite you into a world of celebration and joy. Explore the iconic festivities that make this city truly unique and discover the rhythm that beats at the heart of the city.

Iconic New Orleans

Mardi Gras

Unlock the true essence of New Orleans by immersing yourself in the vibrant festivities of Mardi Gras. Witness the magic of colorful parades and lively mask parties that sweep through the main street of Louisiana, particularly the enchanting city of New Orleans. Join the celebration, catch coveted bead necklaces, savor street food, and dance to the rhythm of the music.It’s an experience that paints the city with the unique spirit of Mardi Gras.

    King Cake

As early as January, the sweet aroma of King Cakes fills the air in New Orleans. These delectable treats feature cinnamon-flavored dough adorned with Mardi Gras colors – green, gold, and purple – in sugar or icing. Available in various flavors like cheese or fruit-filled, each cake hides a tiny plastic baby Jesus. The lucky person discovering the baby Jesus is then tasked with either buying the next cake or hosting the next party, adding delightful tradition to the city’s festive spirit. 

    French Quarter

The French Quarter, a historic gem, draws visitors worldwide with its origins dating back to the 1800s during the French colonization. Derived from the French term “Vieux Carre”, meaning “Old Square”, this neighborhood boasts artsy European architecture with French and Spanish Creole influences. A stroll or a horse carriage ride during the day unveils the charm of New Orleans, showcasing unique colorful designs, flags, bougainvillea-draped balconies, and centuries-old ironwork. Bourbon Street, traversing the heart of the French Quarter, comes alive at night with vibrant nightlife, people enjoying patio drinks, and lively celebrations. Despite being underage for the nightlife party scene, I relished the delicious location cuisine during my stay. 


New Orleans, a haven for food enthusiasts, entices with a diverse culinary scene featuring fresh oyster, gumbo, Po-boys, boiled crawfish, red beans and rice, banana foster, and more. The fusion of European influence, African roots, and local cooking styles results in refined cuisines adorned with rich sauces and fresh seafood. From Shrimp and Crawfish Creole to the New Orleans muffuletta, which traces its roots to Italy, the city’s gastronomic offerings are a delightful blend of flavors and cultural influences.

    Cafe Du Monde

 Don’t miss the iconic Cafe Du Monde for a taste of New Orleans’ beignets and coffee. I fondly recalled watching kids covered in powdered sugar-dusted doughnuts while patiently waiting in line during a bustling summer season 

    New Orleans Street Car

The New Orleans Streetcar stands as one of the first in North America and holds the title of the world’s oldest continuously operating streetcar since 1835. The longest route winds through major streets, including Canal Street and St. Charles Avenue, where you’ll find the Academy of the Sacred Heart school, where I attended. 

    Jazz Music

As soon as I arrived in New Orleans for the first time, the first sign that caught my eyes was a giant painting of a Jazz band at the Louis Armstrong New Orleans Airport. Originating in New Orleans, Jazz music comes with different styles, characterized by swing and blue notes, complex chords, and improvisation. I had the great pleasure meeting Mr. Robin Blanchard, a world-renowned trumpeter, composer, and Blue Note recording artist, who shared insight into the world of Jazz. Disney’s Princess and the Frog movie beautifully encapsulates many New Orleans traditions, including Jazz, Mardi Gras, Beignets, Street Cars, and the French Quarter. 

    Oak Tree

New Orleans’ oak trees are not just historic, they bring natural beauty throughout all seasons. With roots that can date back hundreds of years, they are durable and strong as my host father likes to say, “Be strong as an oak.” The tremendous oak trees that stretch throughout the park provide excellent shade for summer picnics and add an elegant charm for many to soak up the views along the streets. 

    Hurricane Katrina 2005

Understanding Hurricane Katrina, along with other major natural disasters, provides insight into the resilience of one city. Before the hurricane hit in 2005, New Orleans was busier than ever. The aftermath flooded many homes and impacted the lives of hundreds of New Orleanians, causing some to leave permanently. Today, the city has rebuilt, and its culture and tradition remain vibrantly intact. 

    The Superdome and The Saints

The first American football game I ever watched was at the Superdome with my host family took me. It was the New Orleans Saints against Bengals, and despite not understanding the game, I fell in love with it after watching three more games at the Superdome.

1st Super Bowl Champion in 2009

I got a chance to witness the Saints’ first Super Bowl’s Champion in 2009. The Saints’ first Super bowl win in 2010 was a significant moment for all New Orleanians, celebrated with a victory parade downtown with a Mardi Gras theme, when I saw Sean Payton, Drew Brees, Jeremy Shockey, Reggie Bush, and others up close.  

New Orleans Living

People and Culture

    I had the privilege of staying with two amazing host families that were introduced by my father’s dearest friend, whom I called Pa Pere. It was my first experience adapting to a different families, immersing myself in New Orleans culture, and sharing new experience every day. Everyone enjoy learning, helping others, and know how to have fun. New Orleanians love laughter, backyard dancing, cooking good food, and value quality time together. 

    Academy of the Sacred Heart

I attended the Academy of the Sacred Heart, a private Catholic all-girls school, for one year. Most of my friends started preschool and kindergarten together, creating a close-knit family like atmosphere. Transitioning to a new school in a new country at the age of 15 brought uncertainly, but everyone was welcoming. On the first day, I was invited by couple new friends for a weekend hangout. During the regular week in the mornings, we spent 2 days the chapel, 2 days in the assembly room for announcement, and every Wednesday have breakfast at homeroom. 

The school offered various extracurricular activities, from scavenger hunts and game days to field trips, winter retreats, and volunteering to prepare hearty meals. There were also yearly rally dances, sports like flag football, and arts including painting, pottery, and music. The inclusive environment treated everyone equally, regardless of their religion background. Despite coming from a Buddhist background, I was honored to be chosen to participate in the May Crowning ceremony for the first time. 

Beyond the school setting, I enjoyed numerous outings, sleepovers, and parties with classmates from the same grade. Having two sisters in the same school allowed me to expand my friend network to different grades. We engaged in various activities outside school, including volunteering to build homes for those impacted by Hurricane Katrina. 


Located just over an hour’s drive from the main city, Baton Rouge, New Orleans, Louisiana, is within reach of many states, including Mississippi, I have visited Mississippi multiple times with my host family, taking breaks from the busy city life. Living in New Orleans for just one year had provided me numerous family gatherings and road trips across multiple states. We flew to Georgia, where I had the opportunity to visit extended family and tour the city, including Coca-Cola Museum. We also drove down to Alabama to spend Thanksgiving with more family.   

    See You Again NOLA

Time went by so fast, and saying goodbye to all my friends was not easy. Although we all moved apart to different states and places, everyone gets together occasionally. New Orleans is in my heart and is always my second home where my first journey began. 

 Although a one-year stay was short, I learned so much and fell in love with the culture and many grateful people. New Orleans is the second state I visit before may others to come. It is a city where I experienced the richness in arts, cultures, inclusiveness, and many histories. There was a lot more to see, and if I had stay longer, I would have experienced other new celebrations such as the Knight of Babylon.

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